My Life

This is where my thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences all meet. This is a written testiment of what they tell me is my life. Sometimes the thoughts expressed here are going to be extreme, the opinions controvertial, the feelings emotional and the experiences down right dramatic...all things considered they're mine. IT'S MY LIFE!

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Location: New Jersey, United States

I've been described as militant, opinionated, headstrong, lound mouthed, and an all around urban paradox. And all I have to say for it is...flattery will get you everywhere. But please don't be fooled by my strong opinions and ghetto girl attitude, I'm a very friendly, open minded and approachable person.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Wonderful People

A while ago I got an email that was forwarded to me that said, God brings people into your life...some for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime. When I read the email I dismissed it as I do most forwards. But since then, that thought has stuck with me. Since then I've meet people who I was absolutely sure that they'd be in my life forever only to find out that they were clearly only placed in my life for a season. More recently however I've met some wonderful people. It's way too early for me to determine their purpose in my life...I'm hoping their stay is a permenent one.


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