My Life

This is where my thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences all meet. This is a written testiment of what they tell me is my life. Sometimes the thoughts expressed here are going to be extreme, the opinions controvertial, the feelings emotional and the experiences down right dramatic...all things considered they're mine. IT'S MY LIFE!

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Location: New Jersey, United States

I've been described as militant, opinionated, headstrong, lound mouthed, and an all around urban paradox. And all I have to say for it is...flattery will get you everywhere. But please don't be fooled by my strong opinions and ghetto girl attitude, I'm a very friendly, open minded and approachable person.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I was thinking about something really funny but at the same time very disturbing. A couple of years ago, my husband and I went on a cruise. Miami is where the cruise was leaving from so we obviously flew down. After our 7 day cruise we of coarse had to go back home the same way we came...Via Miami Airport. While we were standing in line being checked for razor blades, bombs, box cutters...yanno all the basic airport necessities, I happened to look up and I saw a sign that said NO SMOKING, ok so far so good....then a sign that said NO LOUD MUSIC....ok, understandable, then I swear fo God a sign that said NO HIJACKING!

Now I don't know about you but when I read this sign multiple scenarios ran through my head.

Scenario #1
Hijackers Habib and Shadeed come into the airport, after purchasing their plane tickets and getting ready to board the plane they see a sign that says NO HIJACKING! After making sure he's reading correctly Hibib yells out in anger "WHAT??? NO HIJACKING, Oh this is some mean I brought all these bombs for nothing" Shadeed then joins in the anger and says "I know one thing, I know one thing, yall muh fuckahs better be glad I kept my receipts"

The point here is that if somebody was thinking about hijacking a plane....I DOUBT A SIGN IS GOING TO DETER THEM.

Scenario #2
Habib walks up to the counter to purchase a plane ticket. While the woman behind the desk is getting his ticket ready, Habib casually mentions that he and a bunch of his friends plan on hijacking a couple of airplanes that day. The lady says "Sorry sir, but there's no hijacking in THIS airport." Habib replies with "What? what do you mean? They let us hijack planes in China, and France....Oh, so I guess there ain't no kidnapping either" Lady "No sir, there's not." Habib "And I guess I can't murder or carjack either...I suppose that shits illegal too" Lady "Yes sir it is." Habib yells out in anger while walking away from the counter "WELL SOMEBODY SHOULD PUT UP A SIGN THEN!"

The point here....who the HELL does not know that you can't hijack a plane? Usually when you put up a sign telling somebody that they can't do's because people may not know that they can no longer do that activity, i.e. smoking. At one point people may have been able to smoke in the Miami airport, now thanks to the 'No Smoking' sign...we know that we can't. When was hijacking ever legal? And is it only illegal in Miami? With this question comes scenario 3.

Scenario #3
Airport CEO casually walks through the Miami airport with a number of associates, looking around to see what new improvements he can make. He finally comes to the baggage checkpoint and says "Ya know what this place needs?" Associate, "No sir, what's that?" CEO, "This place needs a NO HIJACKING sign." Associate starts jotting down notes (because this is what they consider a GOOD idea) CEO then says "Yep, I think we need to let the people of Miami know that unlike all those other airports we don't allow hijacking here."

Point here...what freakin genius decided there was a need for a no hijacking sign. I could not believe what I was seeing. Also Mr. CEO whoever you are, keep in mind that I was reading this sign after Sept. 11th. Just a suggestion but I think Hijacking is the last thing you want to put into travelers minds....especially right before they board the FREAKIN PLANE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Scenario #4
CEO says to an associate at a board meeting "Ya know, there is just waaaayy too much hijacking going on at this airport. We've got to find a way to put a stop to this. Any ideas?" Associate, "Maybe we could tighten security and put more cameras in the airport" CEO, "Ehhh, maybe...but we need something more bold." Associate 2, "Maybe checkpoints where we search every person boarding the planes?" CEO, "That could work, but it just doesn't seem like enough." Associate 3, "Sir, how bout a sign? CEO, "A sign?" Associate 3, "Yea, just like the no smoking signs...we put up no smoking signs and people completely stopped smoking in the airport. I suggest we put up a no hijacking sign, because in all fairness sir, they might not know it's illegal." CEO, "Eureka, that's what we'll do, we are going to set the trend for airports everywhere."

Last point....was there such a problem with hijacking that a sign was necessary? If so, do you really want to tell people that by putting up a sign? Ummmm, No. The last thing I wanted to think about on my way home from a 7 day cruise to some of the most beautiful places on earth is HIJACKING. But thanks to your sign all I could think about while I was 500,000 feet in the freakin air was....Damn, I sure hope everybody read the SIGN so my ass gets home safe.


Blogger feels good b n FREE said...

yo! this was soooo funny....

everybody needs to read this joint!!!


9/14/2005 9:30 PM  
Blogger Hev said...

The sad thing is that I'm not lying...there really is a sign. If I would have thought, I would have taken a picture of it. It was crazy, it had a picture of a airplane and a cop car with flashing lights covered by the red circle with the strike thru it...just like the no smoking sign. And at the bottom it said NO HIJACKING!

Like I said, let's just hope everybody reads it. Cause I was almost distracted from the sign by the airport security officer that was molesting me.

9/14/2005 9:49 PM  
Blogger Ddot the King said...

This was hilarious. great post!

9/15/2005 10:04 AM  
Blogger Chele said...

You got me CRYING over here!!!!!!
I can't stop the flow of tears lol

I believe you and all but it's still incredible that they actually have a sign posted. That is the mother of WTH? moments

9/17/2005 4:10 PM  
Blogger Blah Blah Blah said...

I read the first 2 and was LMAO......funny!

I'll keep checking for you.
*you've been linked

9/20/2005 8:34 PM  

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