My Life

This is where my thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences all meet. This is a written testiment of what they tell me is my life. Sometimes the thoughts expressed here are going to be extreme, the opinions controvertial, the feelings emotional and the experiences down right dramatic...all things considered they're mine. IT'S MY LIFE!

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Location: New Jersey, United States

I've been described as militant, opinionated, headstrong, lound mouthed, and an all around urban paradox. And all I have to say for it is...flattery will get you everywhere. But please don't be fooled by my strong opinions and ghetto girl attitude, I'm a very friendly, open minded and approachable person.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

You ignorant ass muthaf**BEEP**

Ok, I know this story is old...I've been meaning to comment on it but I've been busy. It seems that our former Secretary of Education, William Bennett made a comment (on air mind you) that to me proved just how uneducated he is. Here's the conversation between him and a caller.

From the September 28 broadcast of Salem Radio Network's Bill Bennett's Morning in America:

CALLER: I noticed the national media, you know, they talk a lot about the loss of revenue, or the inability of the government to fund Social Security, and I was curious, and I've read articles in recent months here, that the abortions that have happened since Roe v. Wade, the lost revenue from the people who have been aborted in the last 30-something years, could fund Social Security as we know it today. And the media just doesn't -- never touches this at all.

BENNETT: Assuming they're all productive citizens?

CALLER: Assuming that they are. Even if only a portion of them were, it would be an enormous amount of revenue.

BENNETT: Maybe, maybe, but we don't know what the costs would be, too. I think as -- abortion disproportionately occur among single women? No.

CALLER: I don't know the exact statistics, but quite a bit are, yeah.

BENNETT: All right, well, I mean, I just don't know. I would not argue for the pro-life position based on this, because you don't know. I mean, it cuts both -- you know, one of the arguments in this book Freakonomics that they make is that the declining crime rate, you know, they deal with this hypothesis, that one of the reasons crime is down is that abortion is up. Well --

CALLER: Well, I don't think that statistic is accurate.

BENNETT: Well, I don't think it is either, I don't think it is either, because first of all, there is just too much that you don't know. But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.

Bill Bennett's Morning in America airs on approximately 115 radio stations with an estimated weekly audience of 1.25 million listeners.

Ok, now it's my turn...First of all it just blows my mind that this man was at any time our Secretary of Education (education being the key word), but then again our current president was a "C" student.

"Crime" is too broad of a term to equate with just black people, yes black people do commit crime but some of the most heinous crimes committed in this country were committed by races other than and point: Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam, Eddie Gein aka the original Psycho, Charles Manson, Theodore Kaczynski aka The Unibomber, and Jeffery Dahmer...just to name a few. And let's not forget Columbine and Sept. 11th...Hey Mr. Bennett, I think you're tryin to abort the wrong people.

I was listening to the radio and two personalities were saying that if this comment had been made by Dave Chapelle then black people would have been on the floor laughing, and you know what...they're right. But the difference is (as one of them said) Dave Chapelle is a comedian who gets paid to make fun of people, a lot of times its black people...sometimes it's white people. But we as black people know that when Dave Chapelle (a black man) says it, he's making fun of the stereo-types that white people have about black people. When a politician says's because he really feels that way.

I do commend this idiot for one thing least he said it! We all know Bush and the majority of Politicians think the same thing...but they all deny their hatred and fear of black people. Now if we could just get Bush to do the same we wouldn't need Kanye West to go on anymore telethons and embarrass Austin Powers with un-scripted comments.

By the way...this is what you're doing to your child when you abort them: New Page 2
I just had to throw that in there because I am strongly against abortion (for myself that is) you do what the hell you want with your own kids. Talk about morally reprehensible!


Blogger feels good b n FREE said...

Yeah Mr Bennett is an idiot...but this is just confirmation of what we already knew and felt.

As for the abortion, everyone should see. It should be against the law! Ugh!

10/11/2005 9:02 AM  
Blogger Hev said...

Yea, he's an idiot (a brave one) but an idiot none the less. I'm sure he wanted to add to that comment "By aborting all the black babies we could reduce crime, but if we wanted to eliminate it all together we should just kill all the black people."

The abortion pictures are graphic...but they're real. I was already against abortion before I saw them, but those pictures make it that much harder to believe.

10/11/2005 10:50 AM  

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