My Life

This is where my thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences all meet. This is a written testiment of what they tell me is my life. Sometimes the thoughts expressed here are going to be extreme, the opinions controvertial, the feelings emotional and the experiences down right dramatic...all things considered they're mine. IT'S MY LIFE!

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Location: New Jersey, United States

I've been described as militant, opinionated, headstrong, lound mouthed, and an all around urban paradox. And all I have to say for it is...flattery will get you everywhere. But please don't be fooled by my strong opinions and ghetto girl attitude, I'm a very friendly, open minded and approachable person.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lyfe (A VOICE THAT BURNS) Jennings

Ok, I wrote about one of my favorite singers, Alicia I figured that since I just got the new Lyfe Jennings album I'd write about that too.

First I gotta go back to the beginning. His first CD I brought without hearing a single song, without knowing anything about him or what kind of music I would be listening to. I mean, he was holding a guitar on the album cover so for all I knew he could have been a country singer...but since I like all genres of music it really wouldn't have mattered anyway. I brought the CD because a fellow poet in my poetry group rant and raved about it. And I was when I was in Best Buy and saw that the album was only $9.99 I figured...what the hell, I can't go wrong for $10 bucks.

I got it home....downloaded it on to my computer and listened to every song. After listening to the CD, it really could have cost me $50 and I would have still felt like I was the one getting over. I don't care what nobody says....there ain't nobody out right now that can make yo ass feel good about being stuck up. Lol. I know that's wrong (especially coming from a law enforcement official) but whatever.

Ok, anyway on to this new CD. I think some artist because of all they've been through just get a pass at that whole sophomore jinx thing....I have a very good ear for music and this album WILL go platinum. This man has a voice that burns. Whenever I buy a CD and I really feel the lyrics to the songs, I always look to see if the artist wrote them because it's so easy to sing somebody else's words. I wasn't surprised to see that he wrote all his own stuff. Let's just be for real....Who else can write what you feel better than you.

So anyway, I say all this to say that although I'm sure everybody & Bush's momma has heard S.E.X but just incase somebody is reading this and happens to find themselves in a music store and sees this album....BUY IT! And you will be needing two, cause you gonna be mad as hell if one gets scratched.


Blogger Don said...

Lyfe Jennings makes music from his soul, which is the best kind of music. I am a big fan of pretty much his entire song catalog.

8/03/2008 3:37 PM  

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