My Life

This is where my thoughts, opinions, feelings, and experiences all meet. This is a written testiment of what they tell me is my life. Sometimes the thoughts expressed here are going to be extreme, the opinions controvertial, the feelings emotional and the experiences down right dramatic...all things considered they're mine. IT'S MY LIFE!

My Photo
Location: New Jersey, United States

I've been described as militant, opinionated, headstrong, lound mouthed, and an all around urban paradox. And all I have to say for it is...flattery will get you everywhere. But please don't be fooled by my strong opinions and ghetto girl attitude, I'm a very friendly, open minded and approachable person.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Dance like nobody's watching

I've been up since 4am going back and forth whether or not to write anything today. I got a rejection letter from Princeton yesterday (not the college...the police department) but I think it's just getting to me. It's not like I didn't know it was coming. I told myself that I wasn't gonna write about it because at first I didn't really want the job because it was so far. But then I found out that they pay for you to go to school while you work (which really caught my interest). After that I was aiming for it.

Normally I would take all the blame for not getting the job...but I honestly think that because of my background they thought they might be taking too much of a risk with me. Whatever "You might see me in the street but nigga you don't know me". That's the way I'm looking at it now. But, another police department that I applied to (that I thought was not going to hire me) called me the day before my rejection letter from Princeton came. And supposedly they need a lot of people. So my fingers are crossed.

On a lighter note....I put in one of my bootleg Michael Jackson cd's that I burned from the internet and after playing PYT, Off the wall, and Rock with you...I started dancing and boppin up and down and I'm cool now. Then I had to remember one of my favorite quotes:

"Dance like nobody's watching, love like you've never been hurt, sing like nobody's life like it's heaven on earth"......Mark Twain

And that's exactly what I did....yall should have seen me in my living room cuttin up. Lol

Friday, September 16, 2005

Ok, who got drunk and posted the new gas prices?

Ok, I think it's about time somebody addressed these darn gas prices. This is some real rediculousNESS (like that word don't you). Anyway, right after Katrina somebody got drunk and decided to post new gas prices and gas up to $3.20 where I live. It cost me $46 to fill my tank. Ummmm....Mr. Gas Man, like I really could have paid my electric bill for that much. So let's weigh our electric for a whole month, or gas for 3 days....OH!, and don't even act like you want some AC. And you better not have a SUV cause you got to apply for a line of credit to put gas in a big boy.

I'm tellin you, I'm about to trade my Ford in for a 10 speed. Wait....I'm all the way trippin, I must have forgot that winter is about to kick in the door wavin the 44. I guess I will keep my car. I remember when gas was .99 a gallon (did I just make myself sound like I was 59 years old?). You know it's bad anytime your the #1 caller at your favorite radio station and they tell you you've just won free gas. Gas is a prize now yall! What kind of craziness is this? It used to be a car was a prize, but the way things are now if somebody told me I won a car I'd tell em "Let's trade...I'll pay for the car, you pay for the gas and insurance." Don't even get me started on insurance....let's just say you do not save a bunch of money on your car insurance by switchin to Geico.

One of the radio stations around here used pick a random gas station every Friday and fill the tanks of the first 99 cars to pull up while they were their.....Now every Friday they pick a random gas station and give $20 worth of gas to the first 99 cars. Ummm Hmmm....they had to think about that. And NO! you can't get a ride...because if you gonna try to hand me a five (or anything less) and think I'm takin you anywhere CRACK has obviously taken over your life.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I was thinking about something really funny but at the same time very disturbing. A couple of years ago, my husband and I went on a cruise. Miami is where the cruise was leaving from so we obviously flew down. After our 7 day cruise we of coarse had to go back home the same way we came...Via Miami Airport. While we were standing in line being checked for razor blades, bombs, box cutters...yanno all the basic airport necessities, I happened to look up and I saw a sign that said NO SMOKING, ok so far so good....then a sign that said NO LOUD MUSIC....ok, understandable, then I swear fo God a sign that said NO HIJACKING!

Now I don't know about you but when I read this sign multiple scenarios ran through my head.

Scenario #1
Hijackers Habib and Shadeed come into the airport, after purchasing their plane tickets and getting ready to board the plane they see a sign that says NO HIJACKING! After making sure he's reading correctly Hibib yells out in anger "WHAT??? NO HIJACKING, Oh this is some mean I brought all these bombs for nothing" Shadeed then joins in the anger and says "I know one thing, I know one thing, yall muh fuckahs better be glad I kept my receipts"

The point here is that if somebody was thinking about hijacking a plane....I DOUBT A SIGN IS GOING TO DETER THEM.

Scenario #2
Habib walks up to the counter to purchase a plane ticket. While the woman behind the desk is getting his ticket ready, Habib casually mentions that he and a bunch of his friends plan on hijacking a couple of airplanes that day. The lady says "Sorry sir, but there's no hijacking in THIS airport." Habib replies with "What? what do you mean? They let us hijack planes in China, and France....Oh, so I guess there ain't no kidnapping either" Lady "No sir, there's not." Habib "And I guess I can't murder or carjack either...I suppose that shits illegal too" Lady "Yes sir it is." Habib yells out in anger while walking away from the counter "WELL SOMEBODY SHOULD PUT UP A SIGN THEN!"

The point here....who the HELL does not know that you can't hijack a plane? Usually when you put up a sign telling somebody that they can't do's because people may not know that they can no longer do that activity, i.e. smoking. At one point people may have been able to smoke in the Miami airport, now thanks to the 'No Smoking' sign...we know that we can't. When was hijacking ever legal? And is it only illegal in Miami? With this question comes scenario 3.

Scenario #3
Airport CEO casually walks through the Miami airport with a number of associates, looking around to see what new improvements he can make. He finally comes to the baggage checkpoint and says "Ya know what this place needs?" Associate, "No sir, what's that?" CEO, "This place needs a NO HIJACKING sign." Associate starts jotting down notes (because this is what they consider a GOOD idea) CEO then says "Yep, I think we need to let the people of Miami know that unlike all those other airports we don't allow hijacking here."

Point here...what freakin genius decided there was a need for a no hijacking sign. I could not believe what I was seeing. Also Mr. CEO whoever you are, keep in mind that I was reading this sign after Sept. 11th. Just a suggestion but I think Hijacking is the last thing you want to put into travelers minds....especially right before they board the FREAKIN PLANE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Scenario #4
CEO says to an associate at a board meeting "Ya know, there is just waaaayy too much hijacking going on at this airport. We've got to find a way to put a stop to this. Any ideas?" Associate, "Maybe we could tighten security and put more cameras in the airport" CEO, "Ehhh, maybe...but we need something more bold." Associate 2, "Maybe checkpoints where we search every person boarding the planes?" CEO, "That could work, but it just doesn't seem like enough." Associate 3, "Sir, how bout a sign? CEO, "A sign?" Associate 3, "Yea, just like the no smoking signs...we put up no smoking signs and people completely stopped smoking in the airport. I suggest we put up a no hijacking sign, because in all fairness sir, they might not know it's illegal." CEO, "Eureka, that's what we'll do, we are going to set the trend for airports everywhere."

Last point....was there such a problem with hijacking that a sign was necessary? If so, do you really want to tell people that by putting up a sign? Ummmm, No. The last thing I wanted to think about on my way home from a 7 day cruise to some of the most beautiful places on earth is HIJACKING. But thanks to your sign all I could think about while I was 500,000 feet in the freakin air was....Damn, I sure hope everybody read the SIGN so my ass gets home safe.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Can I know you?

I just finished writing a new poem, if you want you can tell me what you think.


I would like to get to know you
…like to know if these feelings
I’m feeling for you
are worth…pursuing
I don’t think you know
just what you’re doing
I would like to know
the personal side of you
not the professional
the 9 to 5 you
can you tell me
if that’s at all possible?

…but wait
…I’m not through

I want to know
all the thoughts that cross your mind
cause I’ve already
got your facial expressions memorized
I know there’s no guarantee
that you and me
will work out
but I think we owe it to each other
to at least find out
what the other is all about
I want to know all of you
the good and the bad of you
the ins and outs
ups and downs of you
I want to know the genetic make up
of your mind body and soul
the spirit essence and whole
…of you

…hold up
I’m still not through

I want to know
what nobody else knows about you
and if you think it’ll turn me off
fuck it…
…I wanna know that too
I want to know everything
from your birth date
to this date

and wait…
…I’m still not through

I want to know the simplicity
or complexity of you
I wan to know what you’ll say
when you’re sexing me too
…that is, if it goes that far
as of now, I don’t know
exactly who you are
I wanna know you so
through and through
that I can write in your journal for you
I wan to know your thoughts
…before you do
I want to
..know you
and how I’d feel if there was u
I want to know so much
that there’s nothing left to know
…and then
from there,
we can decide where
and how far this will go

…I’d like to know

Unique Verses September 12, 2005

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Kanye who are you talking to?

First of all let me say that I know commenting on this is kind of late...but oh well! I read about (didn't watch the telethon) the comments that Kanye West made about President Bush and his help (or lack thereof) with the victims of hurricane Katrina. As I read his statement about how upset he was that the President wasn't doing enough, I couldn't help but think...."Who the hell is he addressing?" I mean, lets just be real....the Preeessssident ain't never done anything that was in the best interest of 'our people' from day one. Why are we now surprised that he's dragging his feet with any kind of help? Did it ever occur to anybody that the man might not even know what to do? I mean, after all he was only a 'C' lets stop tryin to get water from a rock (water being intelligence and the rock being Bush's brain).

What's the saying people...."If you want something done right you have to do it yourself" I bet if your child was missing and you felt as though the police wasn't doing enough to find them, you'd be out all hours of the night lookin for them ya damn self. But then again....the victims of hurricane Katrina are not your children, so who cares right?

Another reason that his comment kinda pissed me off is because it's soooo easy to point the finger at somebody and say 'their not helping' while you're on TV in a nice secure, sanitary environment writing your pretty little checks. TAKE YA ASS DOWN THERE AND HELP!!! In my opinion anybody criticizing the president should take a look in the the proverbial mirror and ask themselves how active they are in helping the victims of Katrina. Honestly, if you are not down there doing what you can, you really ain't sayin nothing but a word....cause even Bush has done that much (even if it was only to make a vain appearance).

I am by no means sayin that you should put yourself in the poor house to donate money or to travel to the gulf coast to help, I'm sayin that the people who can afford it should stop waiting around for the President to do what we already know he's not going to do. In all seriousness, him and his kind don't even associate themselves with the victims....that's right, VICTIMS NOT REFUGEES as they're calling them. The fact that they labled them refugees proves that.

Kanye is a musical genius, who can afford to load up trucks of food and water and take them down there....Oprah did it! He can do it too but it's much easier to throw a check at them and say "See, I did my part" and call it a day. New Orleans is going to be unlivable for at least 90 days. If he wanted to Kanye could go stay in a hotel somewhere close and spend that 90 days volunteering and making sure families were fed, clothed and sheltered. He could do all of that and not even putting a dent in his bank account, he could...but there's always business to attend to, concerts to give and CD's to promote. So I guess him and Bush have the same priorities.

So again I ask, who in the world were you talking to Kanye? Our people already knew that Bush wouldn't make a move unless he was made to, or unless it would benefit him in some way. And those people were voluteering from day one, not waiting around from Bush to do anything. The only people that might not have known that....sorry to tell you, are the type of people who don't really listen to your music anyway. All you were to them was another mad black rapper on TV ranting and raving about what the President ain't doin for 'yo people'. So as always, I'll say what I've been saying since the day Bush cheated his way into the White House (Ahemm, scuse me...I mean, "got elected") BUCK FUSH!!!!

P.S. think about this....

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done